Santander tries a dose of user-generated ‘prosperity’
Santander is claiming the first use of user-generated content by a big UK bank in its new campaign from WCRS/Engine. Brand ambassadors Jenson Button and Jessica Ennis-Hill make fleeting appearances although Rory has been left on the golf course to practice his putting. The theme is ‘prosperity’ in its multifarious guises.
Santander CMO Keith Moor says: “Our new campaign signals a new approach to our communications. Not only are we explicitly talking about our purpose for the first time, we are taking a radical approach to how we deliver our message. By using warm, engaging, funny & real footage, we aim to showcase our purpose and the role Santander plays in people’s lives in a compelling and honest way.”
WCRS ECD Billy Faithfull says: “Advertisers aren’t always blessed with the ability to capture people’s lives as they live them. We wanted moments that eschewed the hackneyed soft-focussed, pearly-white smiles of traditionally created content. Instead what we found was raw, honest and often funny and warm moments that people capture and share themselves every day. It makes for a refreshing expression of Santander’s commitment to helping people prosper.”
It is quite refreshing. Santander has cut the interest rate on its flagship 123 account from three per cent to 1.5 per cent. Will it move it back up again now that inflation is rising? Now that would be a commitment to prosperity – walking the walk as well.
Engine can’t do much about that I guess.
MAA creative scale: 6.5.