Costa barristas take centre stage in new 101 campaign ‘Never a Dull Cup’
Whitbread-owned Costa has done a lot of marketing in its time as it takes over the world with its bucket-sized cappuccinos. But it’s hard to recall any memorable advertising.
This new campaign from 101, ‘Never a Dull Cup,’ starring comedy actor Javone Prince as a crazed life coach amid Costa barristas, is certainly memorable. Directed by Nick Gordon through Somesuch.
Costa – Never a Dull Cup from 101 London on Vimeo.
101 is good at this marketing stuff, as you’d expect with former Cadbury marketing director Phil Rumbol, among others, on the team. This bigs up an aspect of Costa – people who make nice coffee – that you might overlook because it’s so big.
We’ve seen some very good ads from British agencies recently and this is another: ambitious, great impact, well shot, funny at times.
But I’m always slightly suspicious of bombast as an advertising device. Do you need to shout even if you take the piss out of the shouter?
So we’ll hedge our bets a bit.
MAA creative scale: 8.5.