
Last words on the Super Bowl: Esurance and Weight Watchers go ‘Breaking Bad’

They do say that ads and programmes are coming closer together (online ads are certainly getting longer) and this year two Super Bowl advertisers rowed in on the success of the surprise TV drama hit Breaking Bad.

Leo Burnett signed up the man himself, Bryan Cranston (who’s great in ads) and Lindsay Lohan (playing way off type) for Esurance, with Cranston dispensing designer pharmacueticals.

And Weight Watchers made its Super Bowl debut with Wieden+Kennedy’s comparison of binge eating to narcotics use. This one had Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul supplying the voiceover.

If online views are the true test of a Super Bowl winner Anomaly’s latest opus for Budweiser appears to be in the lead. Although 24m YouTube views to date may actually be a little below expectations.

Maybe they’ll toughen up the formula next year and get Bryan Cranston to come in and inject the dog.

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