
Travelodge puts long-suffering CHI through the repitch mill

Poor Johnny Hornby (all these terms are relative) must be getting pissed off with his clients.

A short time ago his agency CHI & Partners had to repitch for £50m Argos (it won in the end) and now Travelodge is pitching its £15m account just four months after appointing the agency, according to Campaign.

This after a four-month pitch. What are they on?

Here’s CHI’s campaign, which won’t be exercising the judges at Cannes but it’s a pleasingly perky number.

Travelodge was with DM agency Rapier which CHI picked up from the administrators, so maybe that’s got something to do with it.

The indefatigable Hornby is to repitch apparently and may well triumph again. Even so, it all seems rather unnecessary.


Travelodge tells me the pitch was in January, so nine months ago. Still not convinced…

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