
Carphone Warehouse hands digital and content business to Brothers and Sisters

Richmond-Centre-end-of-April-021-450x307Carphone Warehouse, now part of Dixons Carphone, has handed its digital and content brief, worth an estimated £10m, to Brothers and Sisters.

Brothers and Sisters, best known for its Sky work, pitched against CHI & Partners, which handles Carphone’s above-the-line work, Adjust Your Set and Karmarama.

Dixons Carphone is also currently reviewing its £90m media account, currently split between CHI’s m/SIX (Carphone) and Walker Media, now majority owned by Publicis Groupe. Presumably a creative shoot-out between CHI and recently-appointed Dixons agency AMV/BBDO (and possibly others) is also on the cards.

The win is important for Brothers and Sisters, now led by CEO Matthew Charlton (formerly of BETC) alongside agency founder and creative director Andy Fowler, as it helps to balance the massive Sky account.

The agency has also invested heavily in in-house production facilities, the current flavour-of-the-month for London agencies, and the investment appears to have paid off.

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