Coca-Cola relaunches Surge in exclusive Amazon deal
Coca-Cola, as we’ve remarked before, does most things right apart from stuffing its mainstream brands full of sugar. Which rather vitiates the good things it does.
Coke fans are a funny lot though and they’ve persuaded the company to relaunch Surge, a citrus-flavoured drink that used to compete with Pepsi’s Mountain Dew back in the day. This followed a social media campaign including Facebook group ‘The SURGE Movement,’ lots of phone calls and a billboard placed outside Coke HQ in Atlanta.
And it’s done so via an exclusive deal with Amazon, selling (and selling out) 12-packs of 16-oz cans.
Coke marketing boss Wendy Clark says: “If expectations are met, this may be only the first of a variety of efforts we explore to launch niche products through e-commerce relationships. This will be a great learning experience for us and a refreshing opportunity for fans.”
Whatever next? Amazon boss Jeff Bezos is as keen as Steve Jobs was to take over the world. Test markets on Amazon could be the next big thing.