
Beckham and Blu boost Brothers and Sisters

If the Cannes Lions ever run out of awards to award (unlikely I know) they could try ‘Best Use of David Beckham.’

Old Dave is everywhere these days (well he no longer has to do all that training) and, while he certainly looks the part he doesn’t score as strongly in the voice stakes – nice chap though he seems to be.

So Sky’s agency Brothers and Sisters has used him in silent mode to launch Sky Sports 5, its new European football channel.

Job done. Brothers and Sisters is an interesting agency. At one point it was beginning to look like one of those London start-ups that didn’t train on (as they say at Newmarket) despite its excellent work for Sky. But it seems to be winning more accounts now, including Blu e-cigarettes (and e-liquid ‘smoke juice’) which comes armed with a mighty £20m budget.

I didn’t think much of this when I first saw it but actually it’s quite clever, welding the ‘freedom’ theme to some pretty heavyweight branding. And nicely shot. ‘Freedom’ is quite important to these new-fangled gaspers as, already, there are medics and others seeking to ban them.

The agency has also hired rather restless former BETC London boss Matthew Charlton as its new CEO and started a production facility to make mobile films. So there seems to be more ambition there than just ‘let’s start an agency and sell to Omnicom/WPP in a year or two.’ Let’s hope so anyway.

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