
Williams quits top PHD post to join WPP’s Maxus

image004WPP boss Sir Martin Sorrell observed recently that his company was succeeding in poaching talent as well as accounts from Omnicom and Pubicis as they grappled with their now abandoned merger and he’s landed some more talent in the person of Steve Williams (left), head of Omnicom’s second-string network PHD in North America.

Williams is joining Maxus, WPP’s fastest-growing media network (from a smaller base than the likes of MediaCom and Mindshare admittedly) as CEO North America.

Maxus global CEO Vikram Sakhuja says of Williams: “He has a terrific track record of success in both the UK and the US, and he is a perfect fit for the ambitious Maxus culture.”

Williams, who was previously president of Omnicom’s group media company OMD in the UK, says: “I am excited to be joining Maxus and GroupM. I am thankful for the incredible journey with Omnicom Media Group, but I’m now looking forward to a new journey with Maxus, who are uniquely positioned to grow locally and globally. I love the team’s energy and ambition.”

Life in the upper echelons of the holding companies is indeed a journey these days. Both Omnicom and Publicis Groupe will be hoping that, in the future, they’re not all one way.

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