
Eight big things to expect from social media in 2014

We’ve been a bit shy of predictions for 2014; most of them seem to come from companies who say that this will be the year of – surprise, surprise – whatever they’re making or selling.

39488754_640But these social media musings from Stephanie Moritz (left), head of PR at ConAgra Foods and an instructor at the Digital Professional Institute (DPI), owned by the Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy in Chicago, seem more objective.

“Monitoring interactions on social media and determining a means of quantifying those interactions will be a top priority,” says Moritz. “It is also likely that trends such as video sharing will become more commonplace as interface technology continues to improve.”

And here are her social media predictions:

Social Pay to Play: Brand social media will continue evolving to look more like media. This will force brands to upgrade their content, make tough decisions on pay-to-play, and be selectively opportunistic on what remains truly social.
– Longer Video: Longer form social video will see a resurgence thanks to Facebook’s new video offering.
– Google Gets Serious: Google will get serious with YouTube and Google+, with the former being the first to see some major changes.
– Social TV: Buzzwords such as “Social, Twitter and Facebook” coupled with the word “TV” will increase exponentially in marketing-focused conversations.
– Facebook Monetizing Graph Search: A monetization scheme for Facebook Graph Search will begin to materialize.
– Instagram: Instagram will have a huge year in terms of growth (and more ad dollars will follow).
– Pinterest IPO: Pinterest will set a date for their IPO (even if that date is 2015)
– Channel Diversification: There will be greater brand diversification with presence across all social channels as well as new ad offerings and options.

Seems fair enough to me. Is this view of the future something to look forward to though? Steph (see above) is clearly an enthusiast..

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