
KBH rolls out mobile-enabled interactive traincards

Traincard media specialist KBH On-Train Media, is launching a new service which it says will be the UK’s first mobile-enabled advertising medium connecting directly with on-board rail passengers. Named KBH Engage, it will provide an add-on service for advertisers buying traincard campaigns on KBH’s Out Of Home train poster network.

imageKBH Engage lets train travellers to find out more about products and services advertised on KBH’s network of traincard panels via a touch-point providing interaction by NFC, QR code or SMS. When fully installed, Engage will allow advertisers and the six million passengers travelling into London’s mainline rail terminals every four weeks, using KBH’s client list of twelve train operating companies.

The new service’s first client partner is spread-betting company Capital Spreads. The Engage touch-point goes to a mobile-optimised version of the Capital Spreads site which contains comprehensive information for potential new traders. The campaign was booked by Brand Links though Open Outdoor.

Each Engage panel will be uniquely identified to provide a direct link to further information, special offers and content relating to a specific advertiser’s traincard messaging.

KBH managing director Ian Reynold says: “Engage is an added-value service for both advertisers and in-touch train travellers. The on-train audience is truly connected, with 92 per cent using a smartphone while on the train. 45 per cent of those who’ve interacted with a traincard ad have done so while on the train.”

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