Ad agencies should be the most diverse of organisations, given that they attempt to communicate with diverse audiences. Yet many of them don’t seem to be.
We receive lots of details of new campaigns but, hardly ever it seems, ones with female creatives, even less so a woman and man creative team (the few girls seem to be bunched together). How bizarre is that?
And we all know that, because of box-ticking recruitment policies, most entrants to advertising are white, middle class and university educated. Well Calle Sjoenel, CCO of Ogilvy New York, is doing his bit to improve matters by running online Skillshare classes advising budding creatives who can’t afford to go to ad schools (and further education is an expensive business these days, certainly in the US and UK) how to put together a portfolio and handle interviews.
Sjoenel is Swedish of course, which may be one reason why he takes such a refreshing attitude.