
Confident Lloyds celebrates going it alone with blowUP outdoor campaign

It’s almost as though Lloyds Bank is feeling a sense of relief at being Lloyds Bank again, not Lloyds TSB as it was before it shunted off 632 branches into newly-independent TSB.

The relief, of course, may have something to do with the fact that it’s offloaded a lot of the dodgy loans and ‘assets’ it inherited when it took over Halifax and has begun the process of selling down the Government’s stake.

So it began proceedings with a big newspaper campaign from RKCR/Y&R last week, followed by TV and now it’s taken blowUP media’s giant poster in Bishopsgate, claimed to be the largest in the heart of the City financial district, to trumpet its new, confident self. with the same ‘Matters’ theme.

Actually, as you can see from the picture (it’s tucked away on the left), it’s not that big but that’s the City and planning regulations for you. And you can see the Gherkin and what, I think, is a bus.

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