How much is a Cannes Lion worth? $10m on entries plus $500,000 for the party?
One entry for the film awards costs around $900 with most of them around $600 so that makes well over 10,000 entries – can you do that?
My source may have been overdosing on the Domaine Ott and still bearing the scars but Cannes is undeniably big business these days and if you manage to impress one or more big advertisers with your performance then recouping some or indeed all of your outlay is certainly possible. And the PR benefits of winning big are, well, undeniable.
But it’s rather tough on smaller outfits who are likely to see their entries engulfed in a tidal wave of big network money.
Something for Andrew Robertson of BBDO and his boss John Wren of Omnicom to muse upon as they work out ways of wresting back the top creative crown from WPP’s Ogilvy.