Grey’s Digital Hub puts fire in the bellies of sleepy Chinese workers with Zhi Jue tea drink launch
Grey Group’s Digital Hub has been appointed by Chinese tea company Uni-President to launch a new herbal tea drink, Zhi Jue, in China.
But, as your mum used to tell you, there’s lots of tea in China so the agency had to come up with a new spin on an old habit.
Zhi Jue means ‘intuition’ in China so there’s a bit of clue. According to Grey Hub, 25-35 year old member of the Chinese working class (hundreds of millions of them, no doubt) work too hard, play too hard, neglect their bodies and ignore health warning signs. They are overtired and have low energy. Cue Zhi Jue.
And, of course, there are lots of online games etc to go with the above online film.
It’s easy to mock of course, but lots of UK and US ads used to be like this: sign up for some reviving potion, dance around the office and everything is well.
I wonder if the office of multi-award winning Ogilvy creative chief Graham Fink in Shanghai is like this? No wonder he looks tired in his pics.