
Google goes All-American for Moto X phone launch

Here’s one of Droga5’s first spots for Motorola’s new Moto X smartphone, and very American it is too.

The new phone, the first to be released by Motorola since the company was bought by Google, majors on easy access and, it claims, the world’s first voice recognition system that actually works (unlike Apple’s Siri).

And this campaign is breaking in the US, handily, the day before Apple announces its next new big thing(s). Which probably won’t be that big anyway, if the company’s recent performance is anything to go by.

Sadly the spoilsports at Google say that the Moto X won’t be coming to the UK and the rest of Europe anytime soon; which must piss off Droga5’s new London office.

On the face of it this seems mysterious, indeed baffling but maybe Google has deals in place with other Android system users (like Samsung and HTC) that get in the way.

Doesn’t usually stop Google though so we may be seeing the Moto X (or a variation of it) sooner than we think.

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