
Amazon reviews giant $20.6bn media account

The world’s biggest advertiser is reviewing its $20.6 billion media account. Amazon is reviewing its business at Interpublic’s Initiative, holder since 2017, as it expands still further by introducing ads to its Amazon Prime network.

Other services include everything from Amazon Ads and Amazon Prime to Amazon Web Services and Whole Foods on top of the mainstream delivery business.

Amazon says: “As part of our regular course of business, we routinely review existing business relationships with third-party vendors and partners, and based on those reviews, may decide to solicit proposals from vendors interested in working with us. We look forward to the proposal process in this case and will evaluate the right next steps for our businesses once we’ve reviewed submissions.”

Such a huge piece of business may be divided by sector or regionally. All the big holding companies will presumably participate. Omnicom’s OMG is currently leading the pack in terms of big new business wins.

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