Ogilvy chief ECD Jules Chalkley: My Top Tips for Cannes
Top Tips for Cannes
Every award show is unique and with its own foible. You sort of know what works for different schemes. But with the way the award season is structured they can feel like the river to the sea that is Cannes. And that is why Cannes is hard to predict. Sheer volume and global presence can throw up and throw out different winners.
But that said, every year delivers up an awards juggernaut. Last year it was the work for the Kiyan Prince Foundation, this year for me, it has to be the CALM’s The Last Photo. It is a multi-dimensional expression of the notion that the suicidal don’t always look suicidal. The centrepiece being an exhibition of the last photo of those who have taken their own lives. The power comes from the fact that all of them are smiling, happy and look like they don’t have a care in the world. The cognitive dissonance that this generates is so powerful and heart-breaking. It deserves every accolade.
From the sublime to the brilliantly bonkers. Ogilvy’s ‘Innocent Eyes’ work for confectionary brand Voiz is unmissable viewing. It is unbridled creativity at its best and a thoroughly fresh injection of much needed humour. Each film is a mini masterpiece of product benefit – the coveting and jealousy of wanting what someone else is eating is delivered through a pair of eye-balls that play either victim, aggressor or sparring partner. Watching them beat each other up is golden. It’s almost hopeless trying to explain them, you’ve just got to watch them.
Books = knowledge = imagination = life. The idea of destroying or prohibiting access to one is an act against humanity. And standing up to the proliferation of the horrific idea of book banning and educational gag orders, Penguin Random House released Margaret Atwood’s prescient book, The Handmaid’s Tale in an ‘unburnable’ edition. The imagery of the octogenarian author holding a flame thrower trying to destroy her own work is unbeatable. It is craft, material technology, literature and cultural narrative all rolled into a fireproof fuck you to censorship and my favourite piece this year.
Jules Chalkley is chief ECD at Ogilvy UK.
Good choices