A network of creatives called Glimpse is campaigning against agency fossil fuel advertising by, inter alia, handing out a pamphlet ‘The ‘The Brief Sabotage Handbook’ outside the London offices of WPP agencies and big PR firm Edelman.
The handbook, said to be satirical, contains tips on sabotaging work for clients including BP and Shell including advice on how to confuse planners. Cynics might say this is pretty run of the mill in many agencies. The message is: “Delay. Dither. Bungle. Wreck the brief.”
Glimpse founder James Turner says: “The sabotage handbook that we’ve created is supposed to be something that sits on the water cooler that gets passed around the office. People might smile and joke about it, but it allows people to have what can be quite a challenging conversation in the office and makes it a little bit easier because humour often does.”
Hardly a clarion call to the barricades then but an interesting example of the disquiet today’s generation of creatives and others feel about the clients they work on.
WPP’s Ogilvy and Wunderman Thompson and indie Edelman (not usually lost for words) declined to comment. Which is probably code for: ‘Shit, what do we say about this? Maybe it will go away.”