Publicis’ outspoken head of futures Tom Goodwin now founds himself a thing of the past (at least as far the agency group is concerned) as he’s left the French marcoms giant in a hurry following a Twitter spat.
In other words he seems to have been, to use the current parlance, “cancelled.” Goodwin entered the lists (not for the first time) by opining that Covid-19 deaths in the US were being highlighted at the expense of many other deaths, remarking thqt overall mortality rates were no higher than average. Many medics across the world (at least those not chasing Covid headlines with their dire epidemiological predictions) have suggested the same. As has Donald Trump, which probably didn’t make Goodwin too popular at Publicis.
“Jerk off” might have been put differently…but this was “private” tweeting, if there can be such a thing. Rather wimpy of Publicis.