
MullenLowe puts bish, bash, bosh into post-lockdown Lifebuoy handwashing

It’s an ill wind…MullenLowe in the UK found itself in the happy position of the NHS’s ad agency as the NHS/Public Health England spent £37m (at ratecard) in three month on a vast array of Covid-19 messages. And the agency (now incorporating 101), which had been short of big creative challenges, rose to this one in the grand manner.

More Covid-related goodies have come its way with the task of relaunching Unilever’s Lifebuoy soap in the UK – suddenly in demand as (during Covid) people have realised that soaps are for hygiene. Never in the history of handwashing etc..

And a chirpy effort it is too (mercifully.)

MullenLowe Lifebuoy Bish Bash Bosh from MullenLowe Group UK on Vimeo.

Unilever and P&G have both been spending enthusiastically in the crisis, obviously listening to those agencies that have been telling them a recession is the best time to invest. Or it could be because they’re both household products companies..

Whatever, nice to see a proper ad.

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