
From Coca-Cola to Ocean Outdoor: brands try to battle the virus

Coca-Cola is doing its bit to promote social distancing with some tweaks to its sacred logo in Times Square, via McCann Argentina.

McDonald’s is separating its arches on some social media.

Burger King, inevitably, is doing its bit too.

And Sid Lee Paris for “intimacy” brand Skyn.

A little too blunt perhaps.

Good to see in some cases Out of Home the medium of choice – it’s struggling of course as people stay at home. Not that they will for ever.

UK digital outdoor media owner Ocean is running a ‘local heroes’ campaign by in-house Ocean Studios, highlighting essential workers on 12 major city sites.

Ocean says: “These are extraordinary times and people are doing incredible work to keep our people safe, cared for and our cities and the country running as best as is safely possible.

“These professions, and others, cannot be placed into self-isolation, so it’s our way of drawing attention to their selfless work and show our gratitude. It’s time’s like this that a thank you goes a long way.”

Ocean’s city screens have also been running NHS campaigns advising people how they can best protect themselves and others from catching and spreading Covid-19.

There are unexpected creative opportunities everywhere. The very suggestion you might tamper with a big brand logo would have you marched out of the room in pre-virus days.

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