
MullenLowe gives the NHS a carefully curated 70th birthday

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) was the crowning achievement of the post-war Attlee government and, in the 70 years since, it’s been most things to most people including a political football and regular source of scandal, latterly malfunctioning machines that fill elderly patients with dangerous doses of powerful drugs.

Amid all this its front line troops – junior doctors, nurses, ambulance and other staff – do a manful job and they’re rightly celebrated in this 70th birthday campaign from MullenLowe.

Shot by Toby Dyer in hospitals in Kent, including bits of a live birth.

MullenLowe now includes former indie agency 101 and 101 was nothing if not a safe pair of hands and handles this as deftly as you’d expect – no over-mighty bureaucrats or a beaming Jeremy Hunt here.

MAA creative scale: 7.5.

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