
Does Virgin Trains reach its destination in Anomaly debut?

Anomaly is making its debut for important new client Virgin Trains, asking us if we prefer “Spandau or speedcore.”

Speedcore, it seems, is loud, aggressive music (you can also have thrashcore should you be especially brave) while Spandau refers not to a prison in Germany but smoochers Spandau Ballet.

Point being that travelling by Virgin Trains is more relaxing than plane or car, especially if, like Valerie here, you’re going to an important job interview. Jeremy Corbyn, who famously didn’t enjoy a trip on Virgin Trains last year, might not agree.

This is a tough assignment. Nearly everyone has had a bad experience of some form of transport – think BA’s recent travails at Heathrow. So you can be preaching to the unconverted.

But the trains look nice and, as is usually the case with Anomaly, there’s an idea with nice production values too.

MAA creative scale: 7.

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