
Droga5 chosen to get Secret Escapes back on track

Droga5’s progress in London continues apace (maybe it was kidding us all for the first few years) with new win Secret Escapes, the travel operator that offers posh hotels for plebs (paraphrasing here a bit).

Secret Escapes made quite an impact on TV and online with this campaign from Big Al’s Creative Emporium and its fetching heroine (below).

It then moved to the usually reliable Karmarama, which produced a complete duffer, #SmugFace.

There was, no doubt, a perfectly good reason for abandoning Big Al although it seemed rather elusive at the time. But Secret Escapes should be right up D5’s street so long as it doesn’t try too hard to be D5-ish. At times its efforts bear a flag saying this is supposed to be funny.

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