
Aniston discovers delights of economy for Emirates

Shares in Aniston are rising as Jennifer’s ex Brad Pitt finds her replacement Angelina Jolie even more of a handful than he anticipated. So her return for Emirates in a new TV campaign is timely indeed.

And here’s Jennifer doing nice as only she can; this time exploring the hitherto unknown delights of economy (unknown to her, that is) for the first time thanks to a winsome lost boy. From WPP’s Team Air (geddit?) which seems to be led by the UK’s RKCR/Y&R.

This is the first time anyone has used a global celeb to plug economy it seems. Would she have done the same for Ryanair or even BA? But that’s the point of course.

Emirates VP Boutros Boutros says: “We were overrun with requests to see Jennifer again. She has an enduring, universal appeal that is at once sophisticated, but also down to earth – a great match for our brand.

“This new ad perfectly captures the fun, spontaneity and glamour of flying on Emirates, and we are confident audiences will find it as memorable as the first.”

Does Mrs boy in the film look a bit like Jolie?

Anyway, it’s nicely done and hits all the right spots.

But Aniston is so good at this stuff you feel there’s a great ad in here somewhere and they haven’t quite found it. She could maybe have done what Joan Collins did for Cinzano and CDP all those years ago if they’d taken the brake off.

MAA creative scale (Emirates): 7.

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