
Quiet Storm makes quiet ad debut for Mirror’s New Day

The Mirror’s New Day launches on Monday – initially free, thereafter 50p – and here’s the launch campaign from Quiet Storm.

Hmm. Might work for Monday of course – as it’s free – and you can see who they’re aiming at – middle class and would-be middle class younger women.

But it’s all rather stock footage, begging lots of questions. Who are these whizz bang columnists for a start?

Great newspaper ad campaign are somewhat thin on the ground. There was the Mail on Sunday relaunch campaign (think it was the relaunch) back in the 1980s – ‘A newspaper not a snoozepaper’ from Lowe. And Saatchi’s famous campaign for the Independent from the same era – ‘It is. Are you?’ Recently we’ve had not very much – The Guardian’s ‘Three Little Pigs’ from BBH perhaps but there was never enough money behind it. Grey produces lively stuff for The Times.

Maybe the Mirror is right to do the minimum required, given that the free element is what will shift copies – and cost a hell of a lot of money.

Don’t think this one will end well, alas.

For the ad? MAA creative scale: 3.


  1. I have to agree with Stephen it’s a bit iof an uninspired launch ad. Having worked on the launch of the Huffington Post and created the Metro’s ‘Make mornings worth talking about’ strategy, I sense a real lack of strategy and positioning here. Ads need to work harder than ever and this is lazy – as you say it looks like library shots and more like a corporate video than an ad for a new exciting offering. Verify – needs to work harder. Maybe the second round of ads are more wow! They need to be.

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