Android’s ‘Friends Furever’ takes social media by storm – to what purpose?
This ad from Droga5 for Android, ‘Friends Furever,’ is the most shared across social media in 2015, according to ‘social video platform’ Unruly.
6.4m views across Facebook, Twitter et al. Doesn’t sound a lot to me – 20m on YouTube.
Any film with cuddly animals will hoover them up online, so D5 was just doing its job.
But WTF has it got to do with Google’s mobile operating system Android?
We’ve occasionally speculated that the world’s collective brain is softening.
Proof positive I’d say.
I don’t think it’s entirely random, furry, fuzzy, warm feelings, Stephen.
There’s a simple message right at the end. I take it to mean that your handset and operating system don’t have to come from the same company to get on well together. It’s a very roundabout dig at Apple.
I like it.