DLKW Lowe ECDs Rich Denney and Dave Henderson pick their Desert Island Ads
Rich Denney and Dave Henderson joined DLKW Lowe as executive creative directors in 2011. Described by Mark Wnek as London’s ‘most grown-up creative team,’ they first worked together at RKCR/Y&R before moving to Saatchi and Saatchi and then DDB. They have worked on some of the biggest London and international accounts, including Budweiser and VW. At Saatchi they produced Carlsberg’s celebrated ‘Old Lions’ film starring the late Sir Bobby Robson and the Charlton brothers, among others.
Desert Island Ads
It’s a tough one as there are more than ten faves but the films below made us love what we do and love the craftsmen around them.
They made us challenge ourselves and want to work with the agencies, directors and the people involved.
They got us excited and dreaming. And every time we watch them again, or stumble across the music on the radio, they take us to a happy place and fire us up at the same time. COME ON!
In no particular order.
1/ Honda: ‘Cog’
This ad is such a show off and we love every bit of it.
2/ Sony: ‘Balls’
How can a million bouncing balls make you cry? Simple, throw them down a giant hill in San Fran and put a beautiful track on it. If only it was that easy.
3/ VW: ‘Protection.’
Made us want to work at DDB. Made us want to work with Glazer. Made us think harder about our ideas and execution. Thanks Jeremy.
4/ Levis: ‘Odyssey’
Glazer demonstrates again why he is one of the masters of direction. Listen to Classic FM and you will hear many pieces of his award-winning work on a regular basis.
5/ Guinness: ‘Surfer’
We remember the u-mat doing the rounds of the creative dept with this ad on it. Tom and Walt at their best with you know who.
6/ Nike: ‘Tag’
A giant game of tag for a giant brand directed by the giant Frank Budgen.
7/ Cadbury: ‘Gorilla’
The clever bugger that wrote this also did Sony Balls. And more impressively, this was his debut at directing.
8/ Nike: ‘Kick It.’
May be an old one but gets us going every time we watch it.
9/ Lynx: ‘Getting Dressed.’
Written by Nick Gill, rumoured to have started off as a Levis script. How can you not love the idea, direction and music? Beautiful.
10/ Heineken: ‘’Water in Majorca’
One loves this so much as the idea is simply divine and the performance…oh what a hoot.