A good Nestle ad at last – and it’s travelled all the way from Central Asia
The Nestle teams at the likes of McCann and Publicis had better look to their laurels. Here’s the best ad I’ve seen for Nestle (probably the only decent ad I’ve seen for Nestle) and it comes from Central Asian agency Popkultura – based in Kazakhstan, I think.
It even manages to be mean to kittens – possibly a first in the history of communications.
The agency tells me that the task was to make Nestle chocolate bars more appealing to younger people. Think its appeal stretches a little wider than that.
The copywriter was Sergey Denisov and the art director Sergey Bisenbayer. There seem to be a lot of Sergeys at Popkultura. Maybe that’s the answer – hire more Sergeys. It was directed by Dave Merhar for Toy Pictures.