Deutsch and MPC for HTC, Virgin Atlantic pitch is stacking up nicely, girl power from Russia’s Hungry Boys
***Here we go then – a few more ads and stuff.
This is from Deutsch LA and production company MPC LA for HTC’s new HTC One (M8) phone (not convinced that HTC, which makes very good phones, has got the hang of branding just yet – despite hiring lots of agencies).
Directed by Johnny Green of star-studded US line-up Reset, with Gary Oldman.
A nice film undoubtedly. But Gary Oldman is so inanimate these days he looks as though he’s stuffed.
***And another good one from Amsterdam’s KesselsKramer for the new CitizenM hotel in Times Square NYC.
Have you been to Times Square recently? It’s hell accentuated by roadworks. But if I was staying there…
***The forthcoming Virgin Atlantic pitch is set to be a good old shoot-out involving London’s finest, a surprising number of which don’t have an airline account. Already there are rumours circulating of dirty work to scupper the chances of agency A or B. Does AMV have an airline account? Or Adam&Eve/DDB or Wieden+Kennedy? RKCR/Y&R is repitching , of course, and may well replicate the achievement of BBH when it hung on to the British Airways account.
***Alena Timchenko writes to me from Russia about a project, ‘Helpless Machine’ from charity Who Cares?, highlighting domestic violence against women in Russia.
Alena says ten thousand women a year in Russia die at the hands of bad-tempered males. Russia’s population is only two and a bit the size of the UK’s.
And it’s a very accomplished film too. By agency Hungry Boys.
*** OK, it’s the weekend so let’s lighten up a bit. Fred and Ginger from 1949.
Astaire was the greatest dancer, of course, but as Ginger once pointed out – she had to do it all in reverse wearing heels. Magic.