Another gem from Dave Dye’s blog: there was definitely something about Mary (Wells)
Mary Wells (Mary Wells Lawrence as she became, left) was an impossibly glamorous figure from the 1960s who made her name at DDB, moved to Jack Tinker & Partners (where she revamped Braniff Airlines from top to bottom, including marrying the boss) and then set up Wells Rich Greene, one of the hottest shops on Madison Avenue (it eventually became part of Boulet Dru which ended up buying GGT before it…well you get the picture).
This is one of the many outstanding ads she produced for Braniff (she even redesigned the planes).
Hardly one by or for the sisterhood, but it works.
The above info comes from London creative Dave Dye’s fascinating blog Stuff from the Loft where Dave (he isn’t that old by the way, Mary is 85) spends some time delving into his archives to unearth such gems, among other interesting stuff.
We warmly recommend Dave Dye’s blog.